About the Author

PaulinesPicture  My name is Pauline and I am mature aged woman (babyboomer) living in Australia, south of Sydney.

   I am a family cook using your average kitchen appliances to make meals and treats for my family.

  I love to cook, collect and write recipes.  I have published my books on Amazon Kindle and am always planning the next.

I come from a large family and had a happy childhood. I am married, have children and now I have 3 grandchildren.

Lake Illawarra

Lake Illawarra

In 2013 I retired from my full time job and I am now working in my own time writing my books.  My recipe books are currently only published on Amazon Kindle.

The picture of Lake Illawarra to the right is where I live.  I  have a lovely view of it from my front porch that I watch the lake each day especially in the mornings when I am having my first coffee.  I feel I am blessed to live here.

Oh did I say I love traveling?  Besides cooking and writing I love to travel.  Well that is an understatement really, and I travel each year either overseas or within Australia. My husband and I love cruising and have cruised through the Panama Canal, Mexican Riviera, Alaska, South East Asia and the Pacific Islands.

You can contact me at -> mail@paulineharding.com

Facebook Author Page

Here are some pics of my vacations.

Me at the Tulip Festival Spring 2011

Me at the Tulip Festival Spring 2011

Swimming with sharks in Tahiti 2012

Swimming with sharks in Tahiti 2012

Me relaxing reading my kindle at Batemans Bay NSW 2013


